
RPP Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 2 Semester 1

Lesson Plan

Subject                        : Bahasa Inggris
Teacher                       : Yulita F.
Class/Semester            : II/I
Meeting                       :
Time                            : 35 minutes

Standard Competence
3. Kemampuan membaca nyaring dan memahami artinya dalam konteks kelas

Basic Competence

3.1. Membaca nyaring dan memahami kata dalam konteks kelas
3.2. Membaca nyaring dengan memahami frasa dengan bantuan gambar dalam konteks kelas

Students will be able to read aloud kinds of things in the classroom fluently.

1.      Students are able to read aloud and spell the words.
2.      Students are able to read aloud and spell the phrases.
3.      Students are able to match the words with the pictures given.

Language Focus
1.      Words and phrases

1.      Words list
2.      Pictures
3.      LCD Projector

  1. Three Phase Method (Presentation, Practice, Production)

1.      Set Induction (10 minutes)
-          Teacher asks the captain to lead the others to pray by saying “Ok, Captain. Please lead your friends to pray.”
-          Teacher greets the students by saying “Assalamu’alaikum, good morning, Students.”
-          Teacher asks about students’ stuffs that they bring to class and checks their attendance.
-       Teacher begins the lesson by stating the objective explicitly “Today, we’ll talk about things that you see in the classroom. I hope that you will be able to read and spell the words that I give to you.”

2.      Lesson Delivery (20 minutes)
-          Teacher gives examples of things in the classroom by showing some pictures.
-          Teacher asks students to read aloud and spell the words/phrases together.
-          Teacher points out the students randomly and let them read aloud and spell the words/phrases.
-          Teacher gives some pictures and words list to the students.
-          Teacher points out some students to match the words with the pictures given
-     Teacher gives feedback to students
-    Teacher provides some words on the box and let students choose one of them and act it out in front of class, then other students guess the word.

3.      Closing (5 minutes)
-          Teacher makes a conclusion about the discussion.
-          Teacher gives homework to write the things that they have discussed.
-          Teacher thanks the students and says “Wassalamu’alaikum. Have a nice day!"

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